The company Credit Easy is a credit provider on the Czech market. The company’s aim was to offer a possibility to negotiate a loan online, from the comfort of home. To reach this aim, it was necessary to prepare a complex application with a number of functions. At Trigama, we've got really into it with a true enthusiasm.
We've created a web app that serves as a complete loan negotiation process, and we've made sure everything works perfectly. The form contains many sophisticated control mechanisms which do not allow applicants to enter fictitious or non-existent data (validity check of the residence address, the personal identification number etc.). The application also includes visualization of the monthly payments according to the set parameters.
The web has, of course, an interesting and original design, while it is clear, fully accessible and user-friendly. It’s allowing users to easily work with the form and conveniently fill all the data. We know that many users today work on their mobile devices, therefore the web application is fully responsive, making it easy to negotiate the loan on a mobile or tablet.
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